Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Flat out I’m tired of people ignorance. I think everybody feels the same way but the only way to change it is to stop being ignorant yourself. You’ve got to hold yourself to a higher standard and attempt to surround yourself with people who aren’t so ignorant. I’m learning how much I really hate ignorance and I’m slowly making changes. I’m changing the people who come in and out of my life and cutting off contact with people who aren’t positive. Ignorance breeds negativity and I want to rid my life of that. I think the turning point was when I was reading Tyrese’s book “How To Get Out Of Your Own Way”. He said that if you want to change things in your life it’s about taking action and riding yourself of people who don’t breed positivity because if you keep negativity in your life than that’s what with come to your life. So I’m changing that and cutting out those who don’t help me through life. If you only bring the negative in my life I don’t need you.

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