Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony Case

I know there are a lot of people who don't agree with my feelings about this Casey Anthony verdict. Everybody is mad because she got off but there wasn't enough solid evidence to convict her. Had I been a juror on that case I would've done the same and voted Not Guilty. Why? Because had it been me on trial and there was a reasonable doubt concerning my guilt I would want a juror to vote not guilty like they should. Everybody mad at this case should be mad at themselves because they know the justice system is flawed and are complaining about it. Honestly be mad at yourself. The people who are working in the justice system that have a say so that carries weight were voted in by the people. If you didn't take the time out of your busy schedule to vote be mad at youself and nobody else. Yes I'm mad that there was nobody found liable for the death of a child but I mean I'm also mad that there was no justice for Oscar Grant a man shot by a cop while hand cuffed lying on the ground. You want to truly be mad at something be mad at that because there was video evidence and there was no justice for him.

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