Friday, July 15, 2011


I’m really exhausted today. It pretty much began at 1:45 in the morning when I woke up to take a shower to be at the movies by 3 to see the new Harry Potter movie. Watched that and it was definitely worth waking up that early in the morning for. Came home by 5:30 and then knocked out until about 8:00 because I never really sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time. I woke up feeling rested and then cleaned the house and straightened some things out. Went to B of A to start another bank account with them since I moved out to D.C. and there’s no Chase out here. Went to Babies R Us to visit the lady of my life and then had lunch with my sister. Came home and relaxed and then took a nap for an hour before I had to get ready for work and now here I am, at work pulling another 12 hour shift.

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