Friday, June 24, 2011

I Need To Fix Me

I feel like a lot of things in my life are starting to weight on my mind a little bit. I feel like people need me to be there for them all the time but don't return the favor. I know at some point I need to draw a line but where do I start? I don't want to start cutting people off or just flat out telling them to keep their shit to themselves. I need to learn how to say no and do what's right for me first. I need find some clarity and balance. That is what I'm going to do from now on because I don't have the time or mental capacity to hear anybodies problems. Not that I don't want to be a good friend but I have to deal and handle my own issues first. I can't help anybody else if I can't help myself. So I'm going to work on me for a little bit.

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