Saturday, July 16, 2011


Got a lot done this morning. Went thru some old papers, mail and did some laundry. Ate breakfast and now I’m lounging watching Swamp People. Never seen it before but it’s interesting. S/N white folks are crazy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Throwback Note I Wrote On FB

Ok I've seen this a million times now and it's getting old. People stop flashing your little bits of money on Facebook. Really who are you showing off for? Why don't you put that in a bank account and earn some interest? Where are you stocks, mutual funds, 401K's things that actually earn you money? You ain't making any money on Facebook so why flash it? Most of y'all don't even have a decent car to drive so stick it in the bank so you can save up and get one. I think y'all need to sit down and watch Baby Boy and listen to Ving Rhames school Tyrese about Guns and Butta. Maybe the might educate some of y'all. Not to brag but I could do the Facebook money flash if I wanted to but for what. I have two 401K's a few savings accounts with balances and two different checking accounts. So my question for all you Facebook Money Flashers is what does your portfolio look like? If it's taking you too long to  answer than do like the RZA says and diversify your funds bitches!


I’m really exhausted today. It pretty much began at 1:45 in the morning when I woke up to take a shower to be at the movies by 3 to see the new Harry Potter movie. Watched that and it was definitely worth waking up that early in the morning for. Came home by 5:30 and then knocked out until about 8:00 because I never really sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time. I woke up feeling rested and then cleaned the house and straightened some things out. Went to B of A to start another bank account with them since I moved out to D.C. and there’s no Chase out here. Went to Babies R Us to visit the lady of my life and then had lunch with my sister. Came home and relaxed and then took a nap for an hour before I had to get ready for work and now here I am, at work pulling another 12 hour shift.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Out Of Balance

Man it's been about five days since I've written and shit has been a little bit crazy but it seems to be getting back to normal. I think my life has just been a little unbalanced and it usually finds it's balance after a few days. I just need to put things into perspective and keep things in check the best I can because most things are out of my control.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nothin like slappin some E-40 on my Ghetto Blaster

Can't Sleep

I don't know what it is but I'm starting to have the hardest time falling asleep when I get off work. It's starting to get ridiculous tho. I drive about an hour to an hour and a half away and when I get home I'm wide awake. I know my PTSD keeps me from sleeping long periods of time because i have nightmares but shit I just wanna have a good nights sleep.

7 Years Later

Today marks my 7th year in the Army. It’s been a long damn time. Can’t say it’s been all bad. I’ve had some pretty great times in Germany and Washington and in my deployments. I have about a year and a half left. So I’m going to do my best to enjoy the rest of my time.